Interest in what foods to eat, how to eat them, when to eat them and in what quantities has increased in recent times, given their direct impact on physical and mental health and, of course, aesthetics and life expectancy. Hundreds of diets have emerged, giving rise to different lifestyles that largely determine the behaviour of a society in which healthy eating has been a constant throughout history.
Today, people continue to buy foods that are healthy, convenient, enjoyable, adapted to individual needs and, above all, provide additional health benefits. Within a healthy and balanced diet, foods consumed in appropriate quantities, combinations and nutritional balance should not only provide the energy and nutrients the body needs, but also have preventive and curative powers against certain diseases. However, the fundamentals of a healthy and balanced diet are being challenged by other forms of modern dieting, such as ketogenic and vegan diets.
By Juan Diego Torres Torres.
Student of Tourism and Hotel Management.
Universidad Virtual Manuela Beltrán
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